DGV MTV 05 Desnitsa
Samara Non-governmental Organization of wheelchair users Desnitsa Association was established in 1997. It is affiliated with Samara Regional Public Organization of the All-Russian Society of the Disabled. Their mission is to provide integration of the disabled people of Samara region into society and to promote the ideas of independent life philosophy and social approach to disability.
Our main goals are the protection of rights and interests of disabled people, to provide disabled people with equal opportunities to participate in all spheres of social life, and to work for the integration of disabled people into society.
Main activities are focused on:
Rendering legal assistance to the disabled people, advocating their legitimate rights and social benefits.
Providing services to the disabled in order to achieve their overall rehabilitation.
Promoting awareness of disability culture in order to secure the civil rights and observe the legitimate interests of the disabled people.
“Desnitsa Association” cooperates with local government, profit organisations and Mass Media to realize social programs, to adapt environment for disabled people and to break stereotypes which are in the society to people with disabilities. We also collaborate with Russian and foreign non-profit organisations to promote the ideas of independent living philosophy and social approach to disability into the conscience of the public and to unite forces with everyone who is interested in establishment and development of volunteer’s movement. Our target group is the disabled people of different age and kind of disability, including the disabled children, their families, NGOs and the community.
Volunteer tasks
The weekly activities includes:
Participation in the general meeting of the staff of the organisation.
Work in families, assisting to the disabled in their every-day activities, during shopping or household activities.
Report of the volunteer on the problems of the families of the disabled he visits, discussion of the possible ways of the resolving.
Weekly report on the activities.
Planning of the future week activities.
Assisting to the staff in the office.
Assisting to the staff in preparation of event planned by the organisation.
Volunteer requirements / Skills
Age 20+
The volunteer has to be interested in the theme of the disabled people.
She/he has to be motivated to participate in many different activities and willing to take a lot of initiatives him/herself.
She/he should be patient, creative, enthusiastic.
She/he has to be willing to work with the disabled and to create new activities based on experience of intercultural education.
Volunteer will either live in a host family, or in rented apartment shared with other international volunteers.
Minimum stay 1 months/Permanent
Motivation letter is needed
Participation fee 250 EURO per month