Parbati Ghimire

Parbati is 28 years old. She is married and had two children, nine years girl and eleven years boy. Her husband works as a supervisor in the Coca Cola factory in Balaju, Kathmandu.
Parbati was married when she was 11 years old. She did not attend school once she got married. She has only completed her 5th grade and she is very enthusiastic to pass her School Leaving Certificate (SLC).
Parbati is a housewife, she takes care of the children and she grows vegetables and spices like onions, coriander, garlic, beans and lettuce. She attended an agricultural farming training session from VIN, which helped her improve her skills.
She also took part in a sewing-cutting course. Now she makes cloths for many girls in her surrounding area and earns some money with that.
Parbati is the first woman in Jitpurphedi community who was contacted by VIN at the commencement of the empowering activities. The first group that was formed consisted of 36 women. VIN had to face opposition at the beginning. Eventually, the cooperative work got visibility with more participation of women. Now the cooperative is big and successful. Parbati became a member of the committee board and is involved with the settlements of loans.
Her husband supports her involvement with the cooperative. He also appreciates VIN and its work.
Parbati is a member of the cooperative herself. She has a saving account.The cooperative and the women’s groups changed the lives of Parbati and the other women in community in a positive way. Her knowledge and skills have improved. The social support of the meetings is an important benefit because she can share her life and problems with other women more easily than before.
Parbati has had a dark life because of her early marriage. She focuses on a better future for her children, with a job, a good marriage and their own home. She makes sure they continue education and live a better life.